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Talked about Taichung Theater on GA
Yoshimura talked about the national Taichung Theater by Toyo Ito featured on GA #143 with HIdeyuki Nakayama and Takeyuki Katsuya...

Overlaid 3 plans for the warehouse-exhibition in Shinagawa
Yoshimura blew plans of three architects' proposals up to 1 to 1 scale for the exhibition of the warehouse renovation workshop held in...

Behaviors and Protocols
“Behaviors and Protocols” writen by Yasutaka Yoshimura has been published with english translation. 吉村靖孝4年ぶりの単著『ビヘイヴィアとプロトコル』が刊行されました...

Super Legal buildings
“Super Legal Buildings” writen by Yasutaka Yoshimura in 2006, is a book contains 77 examples of “super legal buildings” with schematic...