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Make Alternative Space Exhibition

Completion: 2016

Exhibition Design: Yasutaka Yoshimura Laboratory

Yellow plan: Eureka

Pink plan: Thirdpirty

Orange plan: Tsubame Architects

Photograph: Kenta Hasegawa

Exhibition design of "Make Alternative Space" exhibition. Since the Tohun warehouse, which is the subject of the renovation proposed by the three pairs of architects, is also the exhibition hall, the plan of the proposal was expanded to its original size and reproduced on the floor. Yellow is Eureka, Pink is Thirdpirty, Orange is Tsubame Architects. Three stacked plans not only set traces of vibrant activities like a gym floor, but also created new landscape like layers where neighbors experience different spaces.


Make Alternative Space展の展示デザイン。三組の建築家によるリノベーションの提案対象である東運倉庫が展覧会の会場でもあるため、提案の平面図を原寸まで拡大して床に再現した。イエローがEureka、ピンクがThirdpirty、オレンジがツバメアーキテクツである。重ねられた三つの平面図が、まるで体育館の床のように賑やかな活動の痕跡を定着するだけでなく、隣人同士が別の空間を体感しているようなレイヤー状のあたらしい風景を生んだ

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